Swap allows you to quickly exchange one coin for another at market or limit prices.
Swap is available for coins presented on the platform. The availability of coins for swap may change, current information is always displayed on the platform
Swap is only available between wallets and it's not available between strategies that generate income.
βοΈPlease make sure that there are funds in the wallet of the coin you want to exchange.
Market Swap
In Market mode, live prices are quoted based on current market conditions.
The quoted amount of assets shown is the actual amount of assets you will receive in your account once the conversion is executed.
How to swap coins
2. Select the coin you want to exchange
3. Enter amount of coin you want to exchange and check exchange rate
4. Click on swap button and then confirm your action
After swap is completed you will see notification of success
Limit Swap
In Limit mode, once your order is executed at the specified limit price, the assets will be converted exactly at the specified limit price.
Limit mode allows you to place an order to convert your assets at a specified limit price.
For example, if you place an order to convert USDT to BTC at a limit price of 9,000 USDT per BTC and the current price is 10,000 USDT per BTC, the order will only execute when the price per BTC is 9,000 USDT or lower.
Similarly, if you place an order to convert BTC to USDT at a limit price of 11,000 USDT per BTC and the current price is 10,000 USDT per BTC, the order will only execute when the price per BTC is 11,000 USDT or higher.
Limit mode orders are executed subject to market conditions and may not be completed even if the market price reaches or crosses your limit price momentarily.